Learning Guidance - Susan Hara

How to Plan Arguments in Research Papers

Forming effective arguments in research papers is a crucial skill for students and academics alike. An argument in academic writing is a set of logically connected statements, typically used to persuade the reader of a particular point, perspective, or hypothesis. The strength of your argument can significantly influence the credibility and impact of your research. Here, the specialists from https://www.writemypapers.org/ explore the process of building solid arguments that can stand up to scrutiny and advance your academic success.

Define Your Thesis Statement

Every strong argument begins with a clear and concise thesis statement. This is the foundation of your paper and should express the main idea you intend to argue. A good thesis statement is specific, debatable, and supported by evidence. It's not merely an observation or a fact, but a point that others might challenge or oppose.

Example of a Thesis Statement:
"Despite its challenges, the rise of telecommuting has led to significant 
increases in productivity for tech companies, suggesting
that remote work is an effective strategy for modern business."

Gather Credible Evidence

Your argument is only as strong as the evidence supporting it. Rely on credible sources such as academic journals, books, and reputable websites. Make sure your evidence directly supports your thesis and strengthens your argument. It’s important to evaluate each source for its reliability and bias to ensure the integrity of your paper.

Structure Your Argument

Effective arguments follow a logical structure. Start with an introduction that sets the stage and presents your thesis. The body of your paper should then present a series of points in support of your thesis. Each point should be a mini-argument that supports the overarching thesis.

  • Claim: Make a claim that furthers your thesis.
  • Evidence: Provide evidence to support your claim. This can be data, quotations, or analysis.
  • Explanation: Explain how this evidence relates to your claim and supports your thesis.

Use Logical Reasoning

Logical reasoning connects your thesis to the evidence you present. Use deductive or inductive reasoning to justify the steps from your evidence to your conclusions. Deductive reasoning starts with a generalization and moves to specific instances, while inductive reasoning begins with specifics and moves to generalizations.

Example of Deductive Reasoning:
"All birds lay eggs. A robin is a bird. Therefore, robins lay eggs."

Example of Inductive Reasoning:
"Every tech company that has implemented telecommuting has seen productivity 
increases. Therefore, telecommuting likely increases
productivity in tech companies."

Anticipate Counterarguments

An important aspect of arguing effectively is acknowledging and refuting counterarguments. This not only shows the depth of your research but also strengthens your position by addressing potential weaknesses in advance. When you anticipate and refute counterarguments, you demonstrate a thorough understanding of the topic and enhance your persuasiveness.


Forming strong arguments in your research papers involves defining a clear thesis, gathering credible evidence, structuring your argument logically, using sound reasoning, and anticipating counterarguments. By following these steps, you can enhance the persuasiveness and credibility of your academic writing, leading to more impactful and convincing research papers.

Remember, the art of argumentation is not just about proving your point but engaging the reader in a thoughtful discussion. Keep refining your skills, and your arguments will become more compelling with each research paper you write.


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